July 22, 2006

Applebee's Fiasco

Bleah. There is no excuse for it. We went to Applebee's tonight and waited 70 minutes, for our food! Unbelievable. The waiter forgot to submit our order, to the kitchen. So, they ended up covering the cost of our food, but when they realized that our food WASN'T being cooked, couldn't they have told us, that there was a delay, and asked if we wanted to order an appetizer. At an early enough point, in the 70-minute wait, I wouldn't have minded paying for an appetizer. We didn't order an appetizer, because we felt surely our food would be coming, any minute now! Tables around us, were getting their food, without any problems. It was just us and one other table, who had to wait an hour for food. So, no Applebee's for us, for a while. That is just too long a wait for food and incompetent waitstaff.

In all my years as a waitress in college, I don't think I EVER forgot to turn in a ticket, to the kitchen!

Posted by dawnk at July 22, 2006 10:06 PM

Isn't it frustrating? There have been times when we have had far better service, at this same Applebee's!

Posted by: Dawn at July 23, 2006 11:16 PM

Hey Dawn..
I am one of your readers in LA!
Applebee's has thee worst reputation around here
for the same reason! UGGH!

Posted by: nancy at July 23, 2006 09:57 PM