August 02, 2006

After the heat, now it's cold outside!

It was hotter than sin, over the last two days, along with being horribly muggy, too! Thank goodness for air conditioning! LOL! Even today, at noon, it was still VERY hot, when I walked home for lunch and walked back to work, since Gary wasn't home to take me in the car.

But then this afternoon, the cold front must have gone through. It was in the 70's, when I came home from work, and is now in the 60's, with a stiff northerly breeze. Sarah had a band concert tonight, and Emily and I froze. We had jackets on, too! The park is down near the lake and that breeze was blowing in from the lake, I think! Brrr. It seemed a little warmer at home, about a mile from the park where the concert was. I have long pants and a sweatshirt on! LOL!

Posted by dawnk at August 2, 2006 08:37 PM