Habitat for Humanity -- Shantytown.

Youth groups and scout troups all convene on a park in Sheboygan, spend hours making shelters, or shanties out of large sheets of cardboard, duct tape, and string. Their creativity is mind-boggling. Then you spend the night outside sleeping in your shanty. Beforehand get pledges to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. My husband and I visited the site twice tonight bring stuff to Sarah that she forgot. The kids looked like they were having sooo much fun. Emily can't wait to do it next year.

© Gary C. Klein 2003

Sarah and Katy inside their shanty. It had a triangular flap that closed out the cool night air, which is currently in the 50's and clear. No chance for rain tonight. Could get down into the 40's! I think they will be pretty warm with two bodies in there and the flap closed to keep the wind out. I guess I will find out in the morning!

Katy and Sarah outside their shanty
© Gary C. Klein 2003

Here are Katy (r) and Sarah (l) standing behind their cardboard structure. I'm actually kind of jealous. I wanted to build a structure and stay the night, too! They had it rather comfy inside. I think I could have slept there. Inside, they had Dog Fancy magazines, cd players, cds, and flashlights. Had to be in their shelter for the night at 10pm, but could get out to go to the bathroom. They have rent-a-cops providing security while the kids sleep (or don't sleep!)

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August 19, 2006 5:02 PM

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